led sequencing 2

these leds are destined for the inside of the cyanotype box. a major issue was how to create a 3d led spiral that can be viewed from both the top and sides (and just to be awkward i want the largest spiral to be at the top, the smallest at the base).

this version uses a large dog’s surgical collar (aka cone of shame :D) which is sturdy enough to support the led strings while being transparent – allowing a wide viewing angle. the plastic also reflects the lights, giving the effect of a double string. slight striations in the plastic also make for an interesting effect that echoes the fresnel screens i used in the laser drawing piece.

this test piece has 2 x 1m strings – the final one will have 4 in the same size cone. unfortunately i haven’t found a source for uncut strips in the uk but hopefully joins shouldn’t be too obvious.

there’s much tweaking of code still to be done, as well as adding motion sensors – to trigger the lights and to vary the colour depending on where the viewer is standing. and obviously a box to build/cyanotypes to produce…

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